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Favourite Story Fragment

Last updated on 22/06/2023

This story fragment was taken from my masters thesis where I had to construct a story that fit the thesis question I was trying to answer. Sometimes I feel like I do my best writing when there is some pressure placed upon myself.

The house appeared normal before his eyes. He could tell that it was lived in. As he stood there, a foul smell pricked at his nose. He walked several more paces into the household to get a better view. The floorboards of the house creaked under his boots. The dining table was laden with a variety of foods. Plates and cutlery were set for a family of four.

Continuing through the house, he glanced in each of the bedrooms. In two of the bedrooms, toys were scattered about. The master bedroom was no different; clothes were strewn on the floor and bed. A mixture of work and casual attire, but the cupboard was still predominantly full of clothes.

Walking back to the main entrance, he noticed something different; everything had a thin veil of dust to it. It wasn’t visible to him when he turned around. A peculiar oddity of the sunlight filtering into the room.

There was nothing left to observe in the house, and staying longer would only delay the schedule. The camera panned to the garden and remained motionless for all but a second. The garden was maintained with delicate hands. Each bush was neatly cut and adorned with its own colour. The flowers were like a dancing rainbow.

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