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Come on a writing journey with me

Years of writing experience

My writing journey began many years ago but the professional path has only begun recently

Writing Tips

A variety of tips & tricks around writing, from editing a piece to proper grammar and punctuation

Writing Prompts

A different writing prompt with each post and a snippet of my writing to go along with it

Quote of the week

“Read, read, read. Read everything–trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You’ll absorb it. Then write. If it’s good, you’ll find out. If it’s not, throw it out of the window.”

Worldbuilding – Constructing a fantasy town

Immerse yourself in a town alive with history and diversity, where geography merges with culture, and every corner tells a story. Discover hidden legacies, meet a multitude of inhabitants, delve into complex politics, economic flows, and captivating landmarks. Embrace societal nuances, robust infrastructure, and conflicts, while peering into the impact of neighboring regions, technological advancements, and enchanting tales of its colorful characters.

Worldbuilding – Constructing a fantasy town

Immerse yourself in a town alive with history and diversity, where geography merges with culture, and every corner tells a story. Discover hidden legacies, meet a multitude of inhabitants, delve into complex politics, economic flows, and captivating landmarks. Embrace societal nuances, robust infrastructure, and conflicts, while peering into the impact of neighboring regions, technological advancements, and enchanting tales of its colorful characters.

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Why is storytelling important?

Storytelling remains central to human communication, bridging individual and cultural gaps through its roles in connection, cultural preservation, and education. It entertains, educates, and evokes emotions, fostering empathy, memory, and community. From oral traditions to digital narratives, it’s instrumental in preserving cultures and fostering human experiences across generations.

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How to write historical fiction

Aiming to write historical fiction, begin by selecting a period that intrigues you. Thoroughly research the era, considering social, political, and cultural contexts. Create authentic, relatable characters with depth and design a plot that weaves historical accuracy with creative storytelling. Describe settings vividly and dialogue appropriately for immersion. Edit meticulously, seeking feedback, and polish the manuscript. Finally, choose between traditional or self-publishing, promote vigorously, and engage with your audience to establish a readership.

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Best ways to end a novel

Embarking on the journey of concluding your novel is a pivotal moment that demands careful consideration. Crafting a compelling ending involves a delicate balance of

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Worldbuilding – Constructing a fantasy town

Immerse yourself in a town alive with history and diversity, where geography merges with culture, and every corner tells a story. Discover hidden legacies, meet a multitude of inhabitants, delve into complex politics, economic flows, and captivating landmarks. Embrace societal nuances, robust infrastructure, and conflicts, while peering into the impact of neighboring regions, technological advancements, and enchanting tales of its colorful characters.

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Why is storytelling important?

Storytelling remains central to human communication, bridging individual and cultural gaps through its roles in connection, cultural preservation, and education. It entertains, educates, and evokes emotions, fostering empathy, memory, and community. From oral traditions to digital narratives, it’s instrumental in preserving cultures and fostering human experiences across generations.

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How to write historical fiction

Aiming to write historical fiction, begin by selecting a period that intrigues you. Thoroughly research the era, considering social, political, and cultural contexts. Create authentic, relatable characters with depth and design a plot that weaves historical accuracy with creative storytelling. Describe settings vividly and dialogue appropriately for immersion. Edit meticulously, seeking feedback, and polish the manuscript. Finally, choose between traditional or self-publishing, promote vigorously, and engage with your audience to establish a readership.

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Best ways to end a novel

Embarking on the journey of concluding your novel is a pivotal moment that demands careful consideration. Crafting a compelling ending involves a delicate balance of

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Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is a comprehensive and meticulous process that plays a crucial role in refining the manuscript’s overall quality. Here’s an in-depth exploration of each

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Unleashing Heroism – A Young Adult Sci-fi Writing Prompt

In a war-torn star system, a university student unexpectedly becomes a soldier running her own covert tactical squad. Behind enemy lines, she fights to protect her people and preserve the remnants of their civilization. Despite the hardships and dangers, she draws strength from her father’s support and her own determination. Write a story about her experiences, the challenges she faces, and the sacrifices she makes as she strives to bring hope and peace to her war-torn world.

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